LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _gsl_rng_default

The solution to the error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _gsl_rng_default from using GSL library with MS Visual Studio is simple. It lies inside the project settings (compiler and linker) used for compiling the GSL library and all the test examples. The error disappears when those settings are applied to the work project. Better to do this by looking at the command line options other than browsing the setting dialogs one after one.

Build files for GSL 1.12 for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
(Note: This build has a bug that is not difficult to find out :-))


Unknown said...

hi, thank you for your information. but im still don't understand how to solve that error. please could you tell me the way step-by-step?

Unknown said...
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Bruce FY said...

It might be easier to use the ported gsl for windows from


Unknown said...

Add "GSL_DLL" to solve the issue to Configuration -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor > Preprocesseur Definition

Unknown said...

I Add "GSL_DLL" to solve the issue to Configuration -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor > Preprocesseur Definition

and it works
Thank you very much.